Computer key board shortcut2023

Computer keyboard shortcuts 

Today I am publishing this article beginner level student of computer or desktop laptop
Motivation information for my dear student of computer. the article help them computer keyboard shortcut. So This article
computer key shortcut
Ctrl+Aselect all
Ctrl+Btext bold
Ctrl+Ccopy text
Ctrl+Dfont style change
Strl+ecenter text
Ctrl+Ffind text
CTRL+Ggo to
Ctrl+Htext find and re select
Ctrl +Itext italic
CTRL+Ljustify text
Ctrl+Kcreate hipper link
Ctrl+Ltext left alignment
Ctrl+Mtext minimize for right
Ctrl+Ncreate new page
Ctrl+Onew file open
Ctrl+Ptaxt print
Ctrl+Qtaxt paragraph reset
Ctrl+Rright alingment
Ctrl+Staxt seve
Ctrl+Tintant after first line minimize right
Ctrl+Utaxt underline
Ctrl+Vcopy peast
Ctrl+Wclose document
Ctrl+Xcut selected text
Ctrl+Yundo paragraph delete

undo paragraph 

A to z computer  keyboard shortcut
I was writing this article because help our audience.
 audience who has beginner level for computer or desktop laptop.
 this article help them who is the beginner I thought that.
 if you can read this article .
then grow your knowledge for computer keyboard 


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