10 Secrets for Growing Your Business Quickly

10 Secrets for Growing Your Business Quickly

Definition this faces is designed to develop your ability to yourself and gain skill necessary to  build a sold foundation to growing your business .
10 Secrets for Growing Your Business Quickly

If you meet 300 people in a day in a particular place 280-290 may be no or negative but 10 to 20 must be positive .

Number 1. Follow 5 step

 principal *the way of the conversation to judge the customer if he or she is no negative or positive.

Follow 5 step

(1)Introduction --SEE 

S--smiling face.

E--Eye to eye contact.


 Follow 5 step

( 2.)short story kiss but not kill. K--Keep 

I--it .


S--simple. but not 





Follow 5 step

( 3 )presentation .

10 Secrets for Growing Your Business Quickly-Handling the product to the customer and to grow the sense of  ownership  in to the customer  mind.

 Follow 5 step 

(4) price 

At first tell the market price then discount price.

Follow 5 step

( 5) close

 always positive close with positive approach.

            Number 2 four factors

Principal to grow our merchandiser skill .

(a) Indifferent attitude, No pressure tactice always personality deal.

(b). Indifferent , same but something difference from a sales man.

(c)Dress code.

(d) communication skill.

(e) system.

(1) Attitude .a mental reaction in a particular situation 

(2 )Fear of loss take out the product out of the customer hand customer always losseing the deal. 

(3 )sense of urgency 

time is the money don't waste your time your day depend on law of average .shw your body language.

( 4.) great factor.

Ego, money, quantity,( close 4 sector s)

Number 3 pitch Circle



T--take control


H--I have fun

Number 4. More the people you meet there are more chances to meet positive people.

10 Secrets for Growing Your Business Quickly-Principal if you meet 300 people in a day in a particular place a many them 280_280 may be no nagative but 10-20must be positive.


*Working in the territory correctly.

*With the excitement.

*By applying the 8steps

*Not having any sells pressures.

*By affecting your parsonality apply present of mind.

 yA5 impulse curve 

1 introduction 

2.short Story





I can motivate people by using lots of smile and excitement

Number 6 Rehash
Principal. After closing the first deal then apply the second deal.

1. Introduction of the second deal after the first deal.

2. To double you have to follow .

3. Take the money e of the fast on then go for another one.

4. Need not go for introduction for the second one go straight to presentation.

5. You have to stress on the deal alway.
Number 7
Principal. The way of the success in our life.
1. Have a great attitude.
a. Always be have like a manager.
b. Talk to the person according to their level.
c. Always believe in yourself and your system.
d. Always have a positive attitude for everything.
e. Show your genuine interest in your work and in the people.
2 be on time . time is money don't waste your time.

a .try to tolk with the time do not let it go for there then you.

b.Be prepared mentally and physically .

3(.a).always be ready for everything.

   (b) always be ready for the customer and prepared the dress for                 the    next day .

   (c).always the customer and work accordingly or give time                 accordingly .

4..work full8 hours in a day in a particular place and use your time         as      much as you can .

  (5) (a)..working your territory territory properly and correctly talk to each and every territory  people.

  (b). your territory are the people.

  (c).till you do not work in a territory if is virgin

 6.protect your attitude .

(a).Evry negative you should talk it in a positive way.

(b).without facing the negative you cannot become a manager .

(c).enjoy with the negative customer.

(d). Do not care about the customer as a whole .

(e).always belive on the law of average.

(f). whenever you feel demoted have a tea  or whatever you think that will make your fresh .

7.You know why are you here and what are you doing.

 (a).always keep in your mind why are you here for .?

(b).Don't think that if you can sale you do not become a manager. (c)wherever you go wrong think about this step .

8.(a).take control 

(b)self control 

(c).merchandiser control 

(d).money control.

Number 8 P.A.P.S.Theory


*The way of talking

*The way of walking

*The way of looking 

*The way of dress

*The way of your work

A--attitude a mentel reaction in a particular situation.


*The way of your think 

*The way of your behaviour

*The way of you keep your petionce 


*The way of you work for your ambitions.

*The way you keep up your determination.

*The way you put your affort.



*Self development



*You must be sincere in your business



*sence of ownership

Number 9 Customer analysis 

No customer

Identifying by self presentation his or her expression will be opposite of mind.

(a)We give

 *minimum time

* positive close 

*good relations

(b)We get 

Develop our personality self development and devolop our management.

Negative customer

Identifying by product presentation price and close his or her expression will be opposite of mind.

(a)We give 

*minimum time.

*Positive close

*To make good relations .

Positive customer

Identifying by complete spich his or her expression will be similar of mind

We give 

*average time


*Smart personality 

*Good relations 

We get 

*Money  *  confidence  * excitement

I can motivate people by using WhatsApp
I can motivate

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