HTML BESICS struture

HTML basic structure

<!doctype html>
<titele>html besic</titele></head>
<h1>html header 1</h1>
<h2>html header2</h2>
<p>This is my first 
<img src="img address"></body></html>

 it is the hyper text markup language . Basically HTML is the website designer language
<Doctype html> this tag is root direction of internet website.
< html></html>this tag making your website structure carefully you know all of the tag of HTML white in the HTML beginner and close tag
Example .....

< html>head tag 
title tag
 body tag
 paragraph tag
 heading tag
 anchor tag
 link tag 
form tag</html>
<head> tag designed your website name of internet where your website define this tag
<title> tag define your website name your customer should be fine you website
<body>tag it is a container of your website like storage. You can decide that put in your storage video, picture, your data, animation, paragraph, you can like that.
<h1>to<h6>tag it is the heading your content you have right a content  this content defined a heading that cause use this tag. To

<img>tag s of photos attached your website purpose.
<a>anchor tag anchor tag use of Adarsh URL use your HTML content
Okay I will write details of the tag next post I will request for all of you subscribe share and comment my blog

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